Online Bridge Classes
Online Bridge Classes

Online Bridge Classes

Adam Parrish

Mondays at 10am, EST

Adam Parrish is a bridge teacher, playwright, and the Head of Education at Bridge Winners.

With a focus on logic and thought-process, Adam strives in his teaching to keep things enjoyable and positive.

Joan Butts

Mondays at 10am, Sydney Time

Joan Butts, one of Australia's premier bridge teachers, runs her popular Online School of Bridge at

We are proud to have Joan teaching a 4-part series of multi-level lessons on Major Suit Raises.

Jack Stocken

Mondays at 9:30am, BST

Jack Stocken has established himself as one of the UK's foremost bridge teachers; renowned for his patience, clarification of teaching and most important of all, making bridge a fun game to learn. He teaches at Yorkshire Bridge.

In June, Jack is leading a 4-part series on doubles. All are welcome!

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